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Have Consideration For Each Other

Consideration is an essential aspect of any healthy and happy family relationship.

In practical terms, consideration may involve simple acts such as listening attentively when someone
speaks to us or helping out with household chores without being asked.

It may also mean refraining from saying hurtful things during arguments or making compromises when conflicts arise.

Showing consideration requires empathy – the ability to put ourselves in another person’s shoes and
understand how they feel
. Empathy allows us to respond appropriately to others’ emotions by offering support or comfort when needed.

Mr D P – Leader at CNB

When parents, whether together or apart, prioritise showing each other respect through acts of kindness and understanding instead of focusing solely on individual wants, needs, and desires; it leads them towards healthier
communication patterns which further strengthen their bond over time.

5 specific ways in which consideration can be practiced:

1. Listen ‘actively’

When someone speaks to you, it is essential that you give them your full attention and actively listen to what
they have to say. This means avoiding distractions like phones or television.

Ask questions or clarify points if necessary.

2. Understand Boundaries

Every member of the family has their own boundaries that need to be respected.

It is important not to overstep these boundaries by being too intrusive or demanding.

3. Share and accept responsibilities

Families work best when everyone pitches in with household chores and other responsibilities.

By sharing tasks, we show consideration for each other’s time and energy levels.

4. Avoid hurtful words:

During arguments or disagreements, it can be easy to lash out with hurtful words that we later regret saying.

Instead of attacking each other verbally, focus on finding solutions together while respecting each others’ opinions.

5. Making Time For Each Other

In today’s fast-paced world where everyone seems busy all the time; making an effort towards spending quality time with your loved ones goes a long way in showing how much you value them.

Practice empathy – Put yourself in their shoes

Practicing consideration within families leads towards healthier relationships, mutual respect & understanding between members by prioritising one another’s well-being above individual wants, needs, or desires.

It requires empathy – putting oneself into another person’s shoes – active listening skills ,understanding boundaries ,sharing responsibilities ,avoiding hurtful words during conflicts & making conscious efforts towards spending quality time together as a unit!

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