About us

A website dedicated to promoting the idea that children need both parents in their lives.

Remain an active parent

With the rise of single-parent households, it is important for us to recognize how beneficial it can be when both parents are actively involved in raising kids and building strong family relationships.

We believe that two loving parents provide a secure and supportive environment for children to grow up in, which helps them become well-rounded adults who lead
successful lives.

Here at Children Need Both we strive to inform people about the importance of being an active parent through research based articles, interviews with experts in
parenting fields, resources such as books and videos, and providing support services for families going through difficult times.

Our mission is simple.

To spread awareness of why having two devoted parents makes all the difference
when nurturing healthy futures for our children!
Mr D.P
Leader at CNB
Person in Black Pants and Black Shoes Sitting on Brown Wooden Chair

To spread awareness of why having two devoted parents makes all the difference when nurturing healthy futures for our children!

Benefits Of Having Two Parents In A Child’s Life

Person Holding Brown Framed Eyeglasses

Having two committed parents present in a child’s life has many benefits from emotional stability to educational success, making this one of those cases where more really is better.

Studies have shown that having both mother and father actively engaged creates healthier outcomes than just relying on one parent alone; including increased happiness levels among siblings as well as improved behaviour within school settings. Also, recent studies have suggested that young adults raised by both biological parents are less likely engage in risky behaviour’s such as drug use or early sexual activity.

Additionally, not only does having two involved caregivers bring psychological rewards but also financial ones too.

Although there are countless advantages associated with having dual parental involvement there can still be some struggles along the way, especially during transitions between homes or if/ when disagreements arise between co-parents.

We offer resources such as books, blogs, tips and tricks specifically tailored towards guardians wanting guidance on how best navigate these types of situations while seeking to maintain working relationships with their partner(s).

We also provide access online forums so you can connect directly with other families facing similar circumstances allowing the exchange of ideas, lessons and whats works best!

In the childrens best interest

At Children Need Both (CNB), we understand how vital it is for families to make sure they prioritise time together amidst busy schedules and different living arrangements; because without intentional effort things like communication breakdowns happen quickly resulting potential conflicts down road ahead. So no matter what form your family takes:

  • Traditional nuclear style?
  • Divorced yet working together?
  • Blended stepfamilies?
  • Or any other combination

You want your loved ones succees…allowing each individual to reach full potential requires dedication from every member participating so let us help turn parenting dreams into reality today by concentrating on the best interest of the children.